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  • Sonderaktion Dezember 2015

    An dieser Stelle werden wir Ihnen jeden Monat ein größeres Werk vorstellen, auf dessen Preis wir einen Sonderrabatt gewähren.
    Wherry, F. F.

    The Sage Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, 4 Vols.

    SAGE Publications
    Preis £ 410,00 / ISBN 978-1-4522-2643-9


    Im Februar 2016 erscheint bei SAGE der Titel The Sage Encyclopedia of Economics and Society in vier Bänden.

    Dieses Werk wird £ 410,00 kosten, bis Ende Februar 2016 gilt jedoch ein Subskriptionspreis von £ 370,00.

    Wir freuen uns, Ihnen auf beide Preise einen Sonderrabatt von 21% anbieten zu können.


    Economics is the nexus and engine that runs society, affecting societal well-being, raising standards of living when economies prosper or lowering citizens through class structures when economies perform poorly. Our society only has to witness the booms and busts of the past decade to see how economics profoundly affects the cores of societies around the world. From a household budget to international trade, economics ranges from the micro- to the macro-level. It relates to a breadth of social science disciplines that help describe the content of the proposed encyclopedia, which will explicitly approach economics through varied disciplinary lenses. Although there are encyclopedias of covering economics (especially classic economic theory and history), the SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society emphasizes the contemporary world, contemporary issues, and society. Features: * 4 volumes with approximately 800 signed articles ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 words each are presented in a choice of print or electronic editions * Organized A-to-Z with a thematic Reader's Guide in the front matter groups related entries * Articles conclude with References & Future Readings to guide students to the next step on their research journeys * Cross-references between and among articles combine with a thorough Index and the Reader's Guide to enhance search-and-browse in the electronic version * Pedagogical elements include a Chronology of Economics and Society, Resource Guide, and Glossary This academic, multi-author reference work will serve as a general, non-technical resource for students and researchers within social science programs who seek to better understand economics through a contemporary lens.

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Dezember 2015 The Sage Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, 4 Vols. £ 410,00
August 2015 Autism and Education, 4 Vols. Set £ 625,00
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April 2016 Routledge Handbook of Global Economic History £ 150,-
April 2018 The Encyclopedia Of Cosmology, 4 Vols. £ 1.062,-
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